Sunday, December 10, 2006

Weekends and my childhood

I read a psychology theory about childhood.
Your childhood experience will became the tone of your life story.

My childhood is very dull, I was very bored.
But it's not unhappy, just we don't have many events happened at our family, we didn't go out that much, and we don't have many visitors.

I think that affect my tone when I talking. I don't like say things seriously. I hate shallow talking, but I can't too positive, I need to joke a bout it a bit.

The boredom I talked about still follow me, especially at weekend.
This Saturday I particular felt: the quiet, winter day, the sky is gray, I felt like I am at the edge of the world. Maybe it is people called: 'solitude'.

It's strange I have this solitude feeling when I watched 'Pink Panther' as a kid.
Maybe it's because no one speaks at 'Pink Panther'.

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